
Certainly from overseas – Japan Asahi Shimbun interview “Honji Fertility Center.”

In Japan, because of normative acts, making the egg recipient quite difficult. So many infertile couples flocked to the United States, South Korea, Thailand and other places egg bank or surrogacy agency.

Our services have been donated for the egg very seriously, hopes to help more infertile women have children the chance of pregnancy. Recently, we are actively developing overseas customers egg recipient, will be a ray of hope to the world.

Japan, “Asahi Shimbun” noticed our efforts in Japan, came across the seas came to Taipei, interviews Dr. Chang Hung-Chi. Three hours of interviews with the exchange, the reporter understood the egg recipient Okazaki Taiwan and Japan in different, we also understand that in Japan there are many women who need donated eggs, so we also need to work harder to bring hope to infertile women around the .

“Asahi Shimbun” (English: Asahi Shimbun), is one of Japan’s national newspaper, published by Asahi Shimbun.

2008, daily circulation of more than 7.7 million daily copies daily circulation for the Japanese domestic second (the first was “Yomiuri Shimbun”).